Under terms of the agreement, which took effect on 10 March 2017, TE SubCom will maintain more than 51,000 km of cable that comprise 19 disparate telecommunications and power cable systems. It will maintain cable systems across more than 28 million square miles of the Pacific Ocean using the cable ship Reliance.
“We are grateful for the opportunity to provide world class maintenance services to our clients in the South Pacific region. The needs of global cable operators change rapidly, and maintenance providers must be both flexible and innovative throughout the life of an undersea cable system,” said Chris Carobene, vice president of marine services at TE SubCom.
“As a result, SubCom continues to invest in our maintenance services, building the infrastructure necessary to respond to our customers’ evolving needs. The SPMMA agreement highlights the demand for new, strategic approaches to maintenance and demonstrates that SubCom is well-positioned to address these challenges.”
The SPMMA area covers the South Pacific region from Singapore in the west to Tahiti in the east and from the southernmost point of New Zealand to Hawaii in the north.