ViaSat successfully launches ViaSat-2 to cover the Americas and Europe

ViaSat successfully launches ViaSat-2 to cover the Americas and Europe

ViaSat has successfully completed the launch of what it claims is the most powerful broadband satellite ever, the ViaSat-2.

The ViaSat-2 satellite launched aboard an Arianespace Ariane 5 ECA launch vehicle on 1 June at from the Guiana Space Center, located in Kourou, French Guiana.

It is a geostationary satellite that operates in Ka-band frequencies, designed to offer high-capacity connectivity and wide coverage across North America, Central America, the Caribbean, a portion of northern South America, as well as the primary aeronautical and maritime routes across the Atlantic Ocean between North America and Europe.

Mark Dankberg, ViaSat’s chairman and CEO commented, “Today’s successful launch is a momentous event in ViaSat’s history. It represents the culmination of hard work, dedication and commitment to technical excellence from across the ViaSat team. We also want to recognise our launch team partners, Boeing and Arianespace, for their support and collaboration in helping us successfully launch ViaSat-2.”

Approximately 29 minutes after liftoff, the ViaSat-2 mission was underway with the satellite separating from the launch vehicle. ViaSat expects it will take several months for ViaSat-2 to reach its final orbital destination, located at 69.9° west longitude

“We are honoured that ViaSat has put their trust in Boeing to build and deliver their next-generation satellite, ViaSat-2, a high-power 702 satellite with advanced capabilities that will help ViaSat connect millions around the world through high-speed broadband service,” said Mark Spiwak, president, Boeing Satellite Systems International.

Last month, ViaSat was unveiled as the first satellite company to join the Digital Spectrum Alliance.

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