Andre Fuetsch, CTO at AT&T Labs, has claimed that AT&T has implemented a 100-gigabit per second optical wavelength switch on a production network using open reconfigurable optical add/drop multiplexer-compliant technology. The experiment included the connection of two IP multiprotocol label switching routers with transponders and ROADMs. The kit was from Ciena and Fujitsu.
Fuetsch said this was the first multivendor interoperability for optical transport equipment carrying live customer traffic. The test was done, according to Feutsch’s blog, in the Dallas area in a live environment with the ROADMs supporting “full software control according to the published open ROADM specification.”
The carrier noted application program interfaces and information models defined in the open ROADM specification were used to control and manage the optical network. The 100G wavelength provisioned using a software-defined networking ROADM controller developed by Fujitsu and integrated into the AT&T enhanced control, orchestration, management and policy platform.
Ciena and Fujitsu are both part of AT&T’s Domain 2.0 program.
AT&T has said it has plans to expand the ROADM platform across its network in support of new services.