All shore end works at Chania have been successfully completed and Greece is now officially connected to the 25,000 km AAE-1 cable system. AAE-1 subsea cable, which is set to deploy 100Gbps transmission technology with a design capacity from 40Tbps, will be ready for service at the end of 2016 but Capacity has learnt that November is being earmarked.
“By leveraging the geographic position of our country and keeping an eye on future demands, OTEGlobe proudly participates in the new subsea Silk Road to connect East and West,” states Dino Andreou, CEO of OTEGlobe.
“With the cable successfully landing in Greece and its connection to our existing, optical backbone diverse network, we’re planning to serve a significant portion of the traffic that originates from the rapidly growing markets of the East, such as China and India, thus highlighting Greece as an alternative hub in the Mediterranean basin.”

AAE-1 is said to be one largest consortium cable projects under way and will connect Hong Kong, Singapore, Middle East, Africa and Europe and providing an alternative low latency route between Far East and Europe. Its completion will provide additional protection and diversity to the existing heavily congested cable systems.
Landing the cable in Greece marks a significant milestone for the AAE-1 project as Crete become the first entry point in Europe. When completed AAE-1, it will connect Hong Kong, Vietnam, Cambodia, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Myanmar, India, Pakistan, Oman, UAE, Qatar, Yemen, Djibouti, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Greece, Italy and France.