Telstra steps up SDN and NFV offering in Australia

Telstra steps up SDN and NFV offering in Australia

Telstra is to launch three SDN and NFV products for its Australian customers by the end of the year.

Developed in partnership with Cisco, the products are designed to enable businesses to instantly deploy and configure services over Telstra’s networks.

The operator yesterday launched a beta version of its first product, Cloud Gateway Protection. The virtual security appliance can be deployed and configured within minutes in the cloud to protect internet access, cloud services and IP networks from malicious attacks and unauthorised access.

This will be followed up later this month with the launch of Internet Virtual Private Network (Internet VPN); a solution designed to enable businesses to connect multiple sites and mobile workers to office networks, with secure, encrypted links over the public internet, through Telstra’s online portal.

Finally, the operator plans to extend its global data centre interconnect SDN product PEN by the end of the year. By adding Australian PoPs, the extended solution claims it will enable businesses to instantly set up point-to-point links between domestic and global data centres, configure them on-the-fly and choose from a variety of pay-as-you-go, flexible contract terms, all from the same portal.

These three products will be housed on one platform, which will become Telstra’s central marketplace for virtualised managed services.

“By allowing us to overcome the constraints of traditional network infrastructure, the software driven customer experiences dramatically increases our agility by enabling us to quickly create new solutions, and puts the control of those solutions into the hands of our customers,” said Philip Jones, Telstra’s executive director of global products and solutions. 

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