Outgoing PTCL president and CEO Irshaid had been in the post since March 2007 and Ritz is tasked with leading PTCL through the next phase of its growth and development, board chairman Azmat Ali Ranjha said.
"I plan to position PTCL as an integrated telecom provider of Pakistan. The new position is a challenge that I plan to take on with all the enthusiasm and energy,” disclosed Ritz.
Before being named as president of the group, Ritz was working with the Etisalat group as chief strategy officer since 2012. He also serves as board member of a number of Etisalat's international subsidiaries.
Prior to Etisalat, Ritz was a member of Swisscom group's executive board, where he also held non-executive board positions at national and international subsidiaries.
PTCL praised Irshaid for his work and credited him for transforming the organisation from a state-run monopoly operator into a highly competitive, advanced and integrated service provider. Fixed and wireless broadband internet services and multimedia services were also launched under his leadership.