BICS’ FraudGuard blocks 500 million attacks

BICS’ FraudGuard blocks 500 million attacks

BICS today reveals that its FraudGuard platform has blocked more than 500 million fraudulent call attempts since its launch in September 2013.

BICS claims to have saved the industry millions of euros in lost revenue via the FraudGuard platform which can identify up to 100 threats per day.

Jorn Vercamert, VP of voice at BICS, said that proactivity is key to combating fraud.

“It is no longer cost-efficient, nor effective, to implement counter-measures after fraud has affected a network,” Vercamert said.

“BICS’ FraudGuard solution offers a dynamic tool to proactively fight the growing financial loss accrued by carriers.”

Launched in partnership with cVidya, FraudGuard is a cloud-based, crowdsourcing platform which enables the sharing of fraud intelligence in real-time.  

“BICS is in a unique position to lead the battle against telecoms fraud,” added Katia Gonzalez, head of fraud operations and services at BICS.

“By monitoring the billions of minutes of traffic passing through our network, BICS has complete visibility of any unusual trends that highlight fraud activity. This allows us to notify our other partners in real-time and prevent the problem arising elsewhere.”

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