Telefonica partners with Ericsson to launch 4G/LTE network in the Amazon

Telefonica partners with Ericsson to launch 4G/LTE network in the Amazon

Telefonica Peru and Ericsson are implementing a project to provide internet access through 4G/LTE to schools and healthcare centres in the Peruvian Amazon next year.

This will be the first project in Latin America to use 4G technology as fixed wireless internet access in remote rural areas with challenging locations, such as that of the Amazonian jungle.

"This kind of project is crucial for the development of the country, since it connects rural areas not only with the rest of Peru, but also with the whole world,” said Cesar Linares, general manager of Telefonica Peru. “Connectivity brings innumerable benefits that translate into socio-economic development, especially in remote and inaccessible areas."

For every 10% point increase in broadband, the GDP of a nation increases by 1%, according to research by Ericsson and analyst firm Arthur D. Little.

Last week, Ericsson and Chilean operator Entel completed what they claimed to be Latin America’s first successful test of APT700 (Asia-Pacific Telecommunity 700MHz) spectrum. The trial involved the deployment of 10 test sites with equipment using the frequency band in Rancagua city, located south of Santiago de Chile.

“The APT700MHz band has the ability to provide excellent in-building coverage as well as wide area coverage in suburban and rural areas,” Antonio Büchi, Entel’s CEO said.

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