The CDN leverages PoPs in Pacnet’s data centres across eight countries in the region, and is supported by additional locations from OnApp’s global network of service providers.
Pacnet will own and manage the CDN, which both companies claim will reduce costs and improve asset utilisation.
The network of CDN locations can be extended on demand, with OnApp said to offer over 200 locations as part of its public OnApp Federation.
"Traditionally there have only been two ways for carriers to do CDN: roll your own, or license a third-party network. With OnApp we've found a third way, where we can deploy PoPs in our own infrastructure and use the OnApp Federation to extend them however we see fit,” said Jon Vestal, VP of product architecture at Pacnet.
Pacnet's CDN deployment is said have been completed in less than two months, and customers have begun migrating to the OnApp CDN platform.