Australian government to launch 1Gbps wholesale broadband service

Australian government to launch 1Gbps wholesale broadband service

NBN Co, the Australian government organisation rolling out the country’s National Broadband Network, is set to deploy a 1Gbps wholesale broadband service in December this year.

The move is designed to provide families and businesses nationwide with faster upload and download speeds.

Consumers are said to not need any additional equipment to obtain the service.

“Australians clearly have an appetite for more and better broadband,” said John Simon, head of product and sales at NBN Co.

“A third of fibre users [in Australia] already subscribe to the fastest speeds available. They’re also downloading around 50% more data than the average Australian broadband connection each month and uploading an average of 14GB per month.”

The launch of the service will coincide with the deployment of several other upgrades on the fibre-optic network later this year.

Last month NBN Co reported delays on the roll-out of the network.

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