China Mobile launches 4G TD-LTE trial

China Mobile launches 4G TD-LTE trial

China Mobile has implemented a 4G Time-Division Long-Term Evolution (TD-LTE) network trial in two cities in the province of Zhejiang, China.

According to reports, Hangzhou, the largest city in the province, will have a network of 2,400 base stations covering 500 square kilometres, serving nearly five million people.

The second trial is in Wenzhou, further south of Hangzhou, with TD-LTE expected to enhance the internet speed of existing 3G network.

To take part in the trial, subscribers can pay a deposit and choose from various 4G packages. The prices are not too dissimilar to those offered for 3G packages.

China Mobile is also said to be converting a city bus route in Hangzhou to allow riders to sample the network’s Wifi speeds, and experience 4G services in the city.

The company is expected to expand this network across 100 cities in China throughout 2013, using 200,000 base stations to cover 35% of the population.

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