Etisalat Nigeria hits 15 million subscribers

Etisalat Nigeria hits 15 million subscribers

Etisalat Nigeria has hit 15 million subscribers four years after launching operations in the country.

As of the start of January 2013, the company hit the landmark subscriber mark, and now controls 15% of the highly competitive market.

Local reports suggest the company has invested over $400 million in infrastructure, and Etisalat Nigeria’s CEO Steven Evans hinted at further network upgrades to improve subscriber rates further. Evans told local reporters of the company’s desire to focus on “quality and innovation”.

He added: “Our success now and in the future will continue to rely on executing this strategy.”

Evans declared the company would be investing more in both 2G and 3G networks across rural and urban areas, with the implementation of over 1,000 telecoms sites in the country planned throughout the year. By the end of 2013, Etisalat Nigeria plans to have invested over $2.4 billion on its network.

Subscriber rates rose sharply in 2012, with the company declaring it had four million less at this point last year.

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