Orange launches joint venture ICT company in Qatar

Orange launches joint venture ICT company in Qatar

Orange Business Services has launched a joint venture in Qatar by establishing ICT company EGN LLC in partnership with majority shareholder Sheikh Farah Bin Ghanem Al Thani.

The company will trade in Qatar as Orange Business Services, and will look to address ICT opportunities in the country.

Qatar is seen as one of the fastest growing world economies, and, with the FIFA World Cup being held there in 2020, there are ambitious plans for economic development in a number of sectors.

As part of Orange’s Conquests 2015 project, the new company in the Middle East will be tailored to large systems integration programmes and operations.

The development follows the launch of a new company in Saudi Arabia in 2012, with such developments intended to help achieve its €1 billion target for revenue by 2015 in emerging markets.

“This new local company is a clear sign of our commitment to the Qatari market and to developing the ICT infrastructure in Qatar by offering and supporting new and advanced ICT services and solutions to the public and private sectors,” said Philippe Koebel, SVP emerging markets and indirect at Orange Business Services.

Majority shareholder Sheikh Fahad Bin Ghanem Al Thani believes the development is a major step in delivering better ICT infrastructure in Qatar, with the introduction of new technology and complex integration capability.

“Through this new joint venture company, Orange Business Services will bring the global experience and capabilities of France Telecom-Orange to Qatar. This will help accelerate progress for the development of a competitive and diversified economy capable of creating and sustaining a high standard of living to all our citizens.”

A team of senior professions have been appointed to build the project, including programme directors, senior architects and project managers. Antoine Farah has been appointed as general manager of the company in Qatar by Orange Business Services.

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