Deutsche Telekom launches new IP PoP in Istanbul

Deutsche Telekom launches new IP PoP in Istanbul

Deutsche Telekom ICSS has announced the launch of a new IP PoP in Istanbul.

The launch of the PoP comes only three months after the company signed an agreement with Turkcell Superonline, and DT believes its quick implmentation is a sign of both companies intentions to develop Turkey as a major communications hub.

“Turkey will become an important hub for IP data exchange in the region,” said Holger Magnussen, SVP at Deutsche Telekom international carrier sales & solutions. “Together with neighbouring countries there are valuable opportunities for the global IP transit industry to connect to regional infrastructures with our reliable, high quality network.”

The Istanbul IP PoP is situated at a strategically important point in the city.

Its location, operating as a gateway between east and west, is said to provide DT with high capacity IP services to carriers, service providers, content companies and enterprises in Turkey and surrounding countries.

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