HGC becomes first foreign carrier to enter Myanmar

HGC becomes first foreign carrier to enter Myanmar

Hutchison Global Communications (HGC) has become the first foreign player to be granted permission to provide international voice and data services in Myanmar through a cooperation agreement with a Myanmar Posts and Telecommunications (MPT) representative.

The move follows a liberalisation of the local telecoms market earlier this year allowing access to foreign telecoms operators.

HGC will provide international private leased circuit services and introduce technology neutral MPLS to enable IP VPN data services.

The carrier has also established a direct voice interconnection with MPT and now has authorisation to terminate traffic in the country.

“Our richness of expertise and international telecoms market know-how makes us very confident of providing Myanmar with reasonably-priced one-stop shop data and voice solutions, as well as total network diversity, stringent service levels and extensive connections to our fully-fledged global network," said Andrew Kwok, president of international business at HGC.

HGC said that it will improve Myanmar’s telecoms infrastructure through the deployment of both terrestrial and subsea cables, connecting the country with Asia, Europe and the US. The carrier also intends to facilitate more direct interconnects between Myanmar and other Asian business hubs.

The agreement will strengthen HGC’s data network in the Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS), which consists of Myanmar, Vietnam, Thailand, Laos and Cambodia, and enhance Myanmar’s international connectivity.

HGC has served as one of the country’s major internet backbone service providers since 2007 and claims to have provisioned Myanmar’s first IP-VPN service in 2008. The carrier has also provided international voice services in Myanmar through bilateral agreements.

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