Emerging markets set to leapfrog to cloud, says Tata

Emerging markets set to leapfrog to cloud, says Tata

Companies in emerging markets are in a stronger position to adopt cloud services than their counterparts in the developed world, a senior figure at Tata Communications has said.

According to John Hayduk, president of product management at Tata Communications, companies in emerging markets often have less “legacy baggage” to manage.

This, he said, is allowing them to take advantage of public cloud computing and match it up to hybrid models with mission critical IT staying internal.

Hayduk pointed to regions such as Latin America, the Middle East, eastern Europe and Africa, which according to a report from Forrester Research are increasing their investments in IT goods and services by nearly twice that of other regions.

“Emerging market enterprises can skip a few of the steps in migration to the cloud. It will be a smoother transition than enterprises with legacy systems will have to manage. The advantage for enterprises in both markets is that companies can move a lot faster, scale up and down, and have a lot more elasticity across compute and storage,” said Hayduk.

“This is a key consideration for emerging market enterprises that may see rapid growth, or wish to only use what they pay for. Virtualisation helps them do that, and in turn makes them more agile. The characteristics of the cloud will drive more emerging market adoption. It fits with the traits we see in emerging market businesses and the appetite we see for enterprises to leapfrog to the cloud.”

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