NTT increases Asia to Oceania capacity to 500Gbps

NTT increases Asia to Oceania capacity to 500Gbps

NTT Communications has expanded its backbone capacity between Asia and Oceania to 500Gbps.

The increase in capacity is thought to come partly as a result of the Asia-Submarine-cable Express (ASE), route which went live this week.

The expansion brings NTT’s capacity between the two continents to almost 10 times the 53Gbps it had available in 2007.

NTT said that the increase in capacity further enhances its leadership position in the trans-Pacific Tier 1 IP connectivity market and would cater for increasing data traffic in Asia, which has been boosted by economic expansion and the entry of US content providers.

ASE links Japan, the Philippines, Malaysia and Singapore with a planned connection to Hong Kong, and has a minimum design capacity of 15Tbps.

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