NTT launches Milan PoP

NTT launches Milan PoP

NTT Communications has extended its Tier 1 global IP network into Italy with a Milan PoP, in a move that was first revealed by Capacity in April.

The Milan PoP is based in Infracom’s Via Caldera data centre complex and is deemed to be an important strategic node for natural expansion into Central Europe, says NTT. The carrier also said that the PoP would act as an aggregation point for the Middle East and Africa.

“Milan is a key hub and the Infracom facility is best positioned to provide connectivity to our customers,” said Clive Hamilton, head of NTT Europe’s Global IP Network business unit. “From a wider perspective, it also acts as an aggregation point for the Middle East and Africa so is a means of us reaching customers outside of Italy and the wider internet community as well.”

Hamilton said that NTT would continue to build PoPs throughout this year. Vienna and Turkey are expected to be future expansion areas.

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