Zayo upgrades Chicago to Seattle route

Zayo upgrades Chicago to Seattle route

Zayo said its decision to upgrade its only east to west route from Chicago to Seattle was an easy decision for the company given the increasing demand for east to west coast connectivity in the US.

Zayo announced yesterday at ITW 2012 it would be implementing enhancements on its low latency service between the US cities for improved service for financial, content and carrier customers. The route came as part of the company’s acquisition of 360 Networks, and David Howson, president at Zayo confessed there had been in bound requests from financial trading companies in particular for the route the be enhanced for usage.

“Following the acquisition, the route had been dormant for some time, which really served to pent up demand,” he told Capacity Daily. “For us, it is important to provide access to the verticals from west to east, particular with content, media and the financial sector.

The upgrade is due to be implemented in Q3 2012, roughly the same time Zayo expects its acquisition of AboveNet to go through. “This east, west route is presently our only one, but it is important to note AboveNet is has very strong links between Chicago and New York in particular.”

Hawson believes the importance of the upgrade is heightened because of the potential in Asian market for low latency trading, particularly in the financial sector. “This route becomes important from a trading standpoint for the link between Chicago and Tokyo and we do believe this is a key piece to an overall solution for increasing trading links in Asia,” he added.

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