Alcatel-Lucent and P&TLuxembourg partner for 100Gbps capability

Alcatel-Lucent and P&TLuxembourg partner for 100Gbps capability

Technology provider Alcatel-Lucent has announced the launch of a 100Gbps data network in Europe in partnership with P&TLuxembourg.

Connecting between Frankfurt and Luxembourg, both companies said the network is expected to provide a high-bandwidth, low latency route for services in the data and financial markets.

The network is expected to provide additional high-capacity links to other business capitals and enhance Luxembourg’s growing reputation as a leading data centre hub for interconnections to IP networks.

“Luxembourg today has an important role in the international financial system,” said Carlo Richartz, senior engineer at P&T’s telecoms division. “Luxembourg is evolving more and more as an essential player in the IT world and has become a major location for data centres, as well as internet and multimedia content hosting and distribution – we are ensuring that Luxembourg remains at top tier internet hub for all kinds of economic activity throughout Europe.”

Alcatel-Lucent will provide P&TLuxembourg with its Converged Backbone Transformation (CBT) solution, a convergence solution of both IP and optical technologies.

“In this period of economic uncertainty, it is more important than ever that European institutions and businesses have access to world-class data networks – the lifeblood of the global economy,” added Stephen Carter, president EMEA for Alcatel-Lucent.

“This deployment of 100Gbps technology puts P&TLuxembourg in an ideal position to support Luxembourg’s economic activity and collaboration throughout the region. We are proud to play a part in strengthening the connections between European institutions of all kinds.”

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