Edpnet launches 6.4Tbps route between Russia and Sweden

Edpnet launches 6.4Tbps route between Russia and Sweden

The European telecoms provider, Edpnet, has launched an external dense wavelength-division multiplexing (DWDM) route between St. Petersburg and Stockholm.

Edpnet’s latest link will provide data transmissions between Russia, Europe and North America at a speed of 6.4Tbps using Cisco’s Multi Service Transport Platform technology for the deployment. The route will offer bandwidths of 10Gbps and 40Gbps with the capability of increasing to 100Gbps in the future. Cisco claims that the redundant cable routes increase the network’s capacity by 99.99%.

Andrey Ermurak, head of business development at Edpnet, explained the kind of opportunities this deployment could have for companies in the region: “Based on modern DWDM technology, Edpnet’s international fibre-optic network offers Russian enterprises huge opportunities for growing their business,” said Ermurak. “It brings the quality of telecom services to the next level and enables real-time interaction between organisations separated by hundreds of kilometers without any interference.”

The deployment between Stockholm and St. Petersburg was completed in March this year but has only been recently launched. According to Cisco, Edpnet plans to extend and deploy its DWDM routes in more central regions of Russia.

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