Cable&Wireless Worldwide launches multi-device video conferencing

Cable&Wireless Worldwide launches multi-device video conferencing

Cable&Wireless Worldwide has developed its video conferencing solution to cover handheld devices, desktop units, meeting rooms, public access rooms and fully immersive telepresence.

Face-to-face contact is said to be fundamental to positive business collaborations according to research conducted by C&W Worldwide. In a survey, 87% of British respondents said that seeing their colleagues was important to making business decisions.

"Video conferencing has an important role to play in the business environment. By including mobile devices it is now more accessible and convenient for users," commented Mark Charlesworth, senior product manager at C&W Worldwide. "They can even take advantage of video conferencing solutions on the move and when out of the office and also with customers, partners and suppliers on different networks internationally."

C&W Worldwide estimates that managed video conferencing saves its customers at least 25% on travel costs.

The company’s research showed the concentration of participants increased when talking to their colleague face-to-face. Focus on telephone conference calls began to suffer at an average of 23 minutes while on a video call workers would sustain concentration until 35 minutes.

The company also noted that over 42% of UK respondents admitted to having checked or written emails, 35% doodled and 3% fell asleep while on a conference call.

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