LTE infrastructure set for high growth

LTE infrastructure set for high growth

The LTE infrastructure market is to increase tenfold from 2010 to 2014, and it is estimated that it will be worth up to $11.5 billion, according to a report by Infonetics Research.

The market research firm anticipates that early LTE deployments will only carry data, while voice services will be used on old circuit switched networks, before LTE becomes fully deployed in most markets by 2012.

As operators become more committed to LTE technology, Infonetics Research has also increased its usage prediction to 165 million people worldwide by 2014.

By the end of 2010, 12 LTE networks are expected to go live, with over 100 commitments by service providers to deploy LTE worldwide. 94% of operators surveyed by the research firm confirmed they will deploy IMS voice over LTE and 39% will launch a voice service over LTE within one year of launching. 72% of operators will follow the W-CDMA to HSPA+ and then to LTE deployment.

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