ETT upgrades Ukrainian network to 100G

ETT upgrades Ukrainian network to 100G

Ukrainian operator Eurotranstelecom (ETT) has upgraded its eastern European backbone network to 100G, which it claimed is the first commercial deployment at that performance level in the region.

ETT’s network extends nationwide across the Ukraine, running alongside the country’s rail system and connecting onwards to other networks in Russia, Poland, Hungary and Slovakia.

The first section to be 100G-enabled is 560km long, and will connect Ukrainian capital Kiev to Kharkov in the northeast of the country. ETT plans to extend 100G capacity to other major Ukrainian regional centres such as Lvov, Donetsk, Odessa, and Dnepropetrovsk, providing high-speed support for in-transit traffic from European, Ukrainian and Russian operators.

It claimed the upgrade, which uses equipment vendor Ciena’s 6500 Packet Optical Platform, will provide these carrier customers with the high-speed connectivity they are demanding, and support both national and international traffic.

Ciena’s architecture allows ETT to run 10G, 40G and 100G wavelengths simultaneously, said the vendor, as well as upgrade to higher capacities as requirements change, while reducing overall operational costs.

“Carriers and business clients expect the most innovative and reliable technology, which will empower them to succeed in their respective fields,” said Alexandr Prokopenko, ETT’s CTO. “This technology will allow our clients to get high-speed links to key international and national markets. Ciena provided us with a smooth network upgrade without the need for a redesign of the existing infrastructure.”

“Eastern Europe is experiencing a growing demand for capacity, driven by the rise of international traffic and high-bandwidth services such as social networking, cloud computing and video,” said Peter Newcombe, vice president of sales for northern and eastern Europe at Ciena. “Meeting this hunger for bandwidth requires not only additional capacity, but a cost-efficient infrastructure that enables telecoms operators to support and monetise new service offerings.”

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