Larry Schwartz
Seabras and its subsidiaries have emerged from its Chapter 11 filing with a new company ownership structure and the appointments of a new CEO and CFO for Seaborn Networks.
Seaborn Networks has announced the launch of six new high-capacity connectivity locations from its Seabras-1 IP Network to global internet exchanges.
Flexential has teamed up with Seaborn Networks to expand its FlexAnywhere offering via the Seabras-1 Latin American subsea cable.
Flexential has announced that it is expanding its FlexAnywhere offering by giving its customers access to Seaborn Network’s Seabras-1 subsea cable system.
Seaborn Networks has partnered with Anova Financial Networks (Anova), an international carrier and market data provider, to create a new route between the US and Brazil.
Seaborn Networks announces the availability of new IP service offerings comprising of diverse Ethernet services and IP service solutions.
Forthcoming events
Seaborn Networks has selected CloudSmartz, a software solutions provider for communications service providers, to deliver its digital transformation strategy and deployment over the coming months.
The US Commerce Secretary has appointed Larry Schwartz, chairman and CEO of Seaborn Networks, to the new US-Brazil CEO Forum.
Seaborn Networks has established an interconnection to DE-CIX New York, enabling turn-key direct access from its Seabras-1 cable system.