Understanding the strength of neurodiversity in tech
Industry Voices

Understanding the strength of neurodiversity in tech

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CTO and head of HR at Go Live Data Tim Langley was diagnosed with Autism spectrum disorder

Tim Langley is CTO and co-founder of Go Live Data. A Cambridge mathematics graduate Tim is aware more than most of the need within tech and beyond, for understanding and appreciation of neurodiversity. (A word describing the diversity of all people, often used in the context of autism spectrum disorder.

In today's diverse and inclusive work environments, organisations are increasingly recognising the value of neurodiversity. Neurodivergent (ND) employees have a unique way of thinking and processing information, bringing a wealth of untapped potential to the workplace. Langley explains in his own words.

“Neurodiversity is a concept that acknowledges the natural variation in human neurological functioning. It encompasses individuals with conditions such as autism, ADHD, dyslexia, and other cognitive differences. According to research by ICAEW, up to 20% of the adult population fits within the ND spectrum. Rather than viewing these differences as deficits, neurodiversity celebrates them as unique perspectives and strengths.

"ND employees often bring a wide range of skills. Diverse problem solving - neurodivergent individuals often possess exceptional problem-solving skills and creativity. They approach challenges with fresh perspectives, which can lead to innovative solutions that may have been overlooked by neurotypical individuals.

Attention to detail - Many ND individuals exhibit a heightened attention to detail, which is invaluable in roles that require precision and accuracy, such as data analysis, quality assurance, and research.Loyalty and dedication - ND employees tend to be exceptionally dedicated and loyal to their employers. Once they find a workplace where their differences are appreciated and supported, they are more likely to stay long-term and contribute significantly to the company's success. Empathy and inclusivity - Contrary to stereotypes, many neurodivergent individuals exhibit high levels of empathy and a strong desire for inclusivity. They bring a unique perspective on social dynamics and can foster a more accepting and diverse workplace culture.”

“Unfortunately, there is still much evidence to suggest that organisations and managers are not equipped to handle ND employees. According to the National Autistic Society, 45% of neurodivergent people have lost or left their job because of challenges due to being misunderstood and as of 2023, only 1 in 16 autistic adults is in full-time employment. Fox & Partners LLP have noted the rise in employment tribunals citing neurodiversity discrimination, with cases jumping 25% year on year.

“It is important company leaders and managers recognise that ND individuals often require different management styles, and that the onus should be on the organisation to provide adaptations, rather than the individual to try and work in ways which aren’t natural to them.

“Within Go Live Data our ND inclusivity starts from the very beginning and is built into our corporate DNA. Our very first interview is a ‘cultural’ interview which takes place in a quiet coffee shop.

Our objective is to understand the individual, quirks, and all, and only in subsequent interviews will we try to understand their fit for the role.

“When working within GLD teams we focus more on clear written communication as opposed to face-to-face meetings, which gives our ND employees time to digest and reflect on the content vs being blindsided and forced to make decisions on the spot.

"As a final example, we’re extremely flexible in our working patterns, we operate hybrid working and outside of core hours staff can choose a routine to suit their individual needs.” Neurodiversity is an asset, that when understood and embraced, can transform the workplace.

"By appreciating the unique strengths of neurodivergent employees, organisations can unlock their full potential and drive innovation. Leaders, staff, and HR professionals must actively champion neurodiversity and create an environment where all employees, regardless of their neurological differences, can thrive and lead. In doing so, businesses will not only become more inclusive but also more competitive and successful in today's rapidly evolving, technological world."

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