A life in the day of... Andreas Hipp, CEO of Epsilon

A life in the day of... Andreas Hipp, CEO of Epsilon



Andreas Hipp is, by his own admission, not a morning man. It takes a coffee or two to kick start the Epsilon CEO’s day, and he likes to take his time and catch-up on emails before heading to his office in Singapore.

Once he arrives, however, it’s straight down to business. Whether it’s meeting with the company’s CTO to discuss the latest network expansions, or running through the company’s finances with the CFO, Hipp has a hands-on approach to management.

Epsilon has offices located in both Singapore and London, and Hipp faces a daily challenge trying to integrate the two teams with a time difference between them of up to eight hours.

The teams utilise video conferencing to help share information, but Hipp also ensures there are regular visits between both offices: “We have a lot of travel between the offices and I’m usually in the UK every six to eight weeks,” he says.

In January, all members of Epsilon’s sales staff worldwide were flown to Asia to meet their colleagues. “Sharing information is essential. It is very important for management to install a mentality of constant communication within the company,” Hipp adds.

Hipp also introduced a monthly company email newsletter, covering everything from financial information to new customers and operations updates. “It’s similar to a news feed. It provides an overview of developments that month and if someone wants more information then they can contact the relevant member of staff,” he says.

In order to maximise crossover working hours, Hipp works into the evening, allowing him an opportunity to talk to his staff, customers and the media in Europe. “It’s the most important few hours of the day,” he says.

Following his late exit from the office, Hipp likes to unwind with a glass of wine at home or catch up with friends over a beer in town.

Something of a socialite, Hipp also can be found occasionally entertaining clients over dinner or socialising with his own staff. Epsilon has developed something of a reputation in the industry for knowing how to throw a good party. “These things can sometimes turn into product launches. Epsilon just strictly has drinks and talking. No presentations,” says Hipp.

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