The era of digitisation is here! Embrace or be disrupted!

The era of digitisation is here! Embrace or be disrupted!

We are living in an era of instant gratification and instant fulfillment – consumers look for all the answers on their smart devices and in such a scenario, businesses need to fast embrace this digitisation in order to create more value and drive digital enablement.

Businesses must not see the ongoing wave of digitisation as a threat – rather this is a great opportunity for them to be on the digital side. Digital enablement of business processes holds great potential to seamlessly inject business agility and provide much needed competitive edge to win in the long run.

The answer lies in reinventing business strategy, utilising digitisation to your advantage and meeting next generation customer demand.  

Digitisation is not just a threat, it also offers organisations an opportunity to rebuild their market positions, reimagine their business systems, and create innovative offerings for customers. 

Three pillars of embracing digitisation

Digital Sales, digital service and digital process are the three pillars to come out on top of the digital revolution.

Say Hello to Digital Sales! And Reinvent Customer Experience

When it comes to reinvigorating business fabric – digitisation touches almost every aspect of telecom business and sales & customer experience are surely two of the most important aspects that should be digitised first.

Imagine a business world, where there is complete business transparency in what is being sold, from where and how it is being delivered to the customers. This is power of digitisation! 

This level of digitisation can also bring along with itself seamless business agility to negotiate with complex market situations in a flexible way, and to be able to create and innovate on products that are rolled out in a timely fashion and exactly cater to what customers look for. This can exponentially elevate prospects of growth for any enterprise!  In a digitally optimised business scenario – critical functionalities of sales, support and service - happen in the virtual space. This is the true spirit of enabling digitisation!  

Digitisation was more of a process reengineering earlier – now it is starting right from the stage of discovery of a product, on-boarding of a product and support of a product – everything is getting mirrored online! 

In today’s era of artificial intelligence and analytics – businesses need to understand exactly what their customer needs are – and position their products accordingly. 

With digitisation on their side, they can now roll out products rapidly in the market – increase customer loyalty and develop the much needed customer stickiness as well. 

Serving Customers, the Digital Way

This is what E-care is all about. Digital is now fast becoming the preferred channel when it comes to servicing customers transactions. It is cost effective, easy to maintain and most importantly – this is always on. And hence, owing to the above attributes, customers prefer digital service and this is the future of ‘service’ as well. 

Digital Processes – all about Open Doors, Transparency

Digital Processes – lead to an always open door scenario. This is the true spirit of going the digital way, and brings about huge level of transparency of doing business transactions. You want your customers to make business decisions based on the facts you provide on your digital platform. 

Today’s customers are becoming more demanding and expect an easy-to-use interface across the digital infrastructure and fast customer service that is being driven on 24/7 basis. 

Yet we can see that there are many organisations, which are struggling to meet high expectations of their customers, these businesses need to implement digitisation which can help them overcome these barriers and propel their business towards a more growth oriented digital era. 

Driven by digitisation - in the very near future, businesses will be able to use relevant and real-time 360-degree data on customers to deliver personalised campaigns, promotions, and service messages that will get adopted and help them in making the entire customer journey – an exciting experience.

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