Ring4 offers access to cloud phone numbers for businesses and consumers, disposable numbers for people who do not want to share data, and localised number for international calls using IP connectivity.
It was initially only available in the US, but the partnership with BICS will see Ring4 expand its second phone line service to Austria, Belgium, the Netherlands and the UK. It will then look at plans to expand to additional regions over the coming months, Ring4 said.
“With a strong presence in the US market, the next step for our business is to offer our smart phone numbers service to an international audience,” said Alex Botteri, CEO, Ring4.
“The deal with BICS is a key enabler for this international drive as we reach more individuals in new markets; those who need an additional phone number but don’t want to carry or pay for an extra phone.”
The BICS partnership will enable Ring4, which was previously known as RingMeMaybe, to offer direct connectivity to “nearly all” telecoms operators and service providers globally. It will also enable a native experience for messaging and calling on iPhones and iPads.
It is the latest development for carrier BICS, which recently demonstrated HD VoLTE conference calling as part of a proof of concept with PGi.
“Digitalisation is powering the migration of communication services to the cloud and the benefits are clear for both businesses and consumers alike as they can communicate internationally for a lower cost and with scale,” said Jorn Vercamert, VP communication solutions at BICS.
“The launch of our Cloud Numbers service as part of an end-to-end cloud communications offering will help realise these benefits, as it allows customers to offer all types of numbers, quickly and easily, providing cost savings and agility for their users, as demonstrated by Ring4.”