H.G. Wells and Vice President Al Gore...

H.G. Wells and Vice President Al Gore...

In a world with an estimated one trillion web pages, Vice President Al Gore, in his new book, The Future, suggests that “the global mind is changing our relationship to the world of information”. While it was H. G. Wells in 1937 who coined the term “World Brain;” in 2013, it is Vice President Al Gore who considers that the metaphor has now become a reality.

In a world with an estimated one trillion web pages, Vice President Al Gore, in his new book, The Future, suggests that “the global mind is changing our relationship to the world of information”. While it was H. G Wells in 1937 who coined the term “World Brain” in 2013, it is Vice President Al Gore who considers that the metaphor has now become a reality.

In the book Gore says: “The global economy is being transformed by changes far greater in speed and scale than at any stage in human history… the new realities of our hyper-connected, tightly integrated, highly interactive and technologically revolutionised economy.”

The explosive growth of new business models and these patterns of behaviour were hitherto unimaginable. The notion of disruptive thinking has been around for a long time, certainly pre dating the ‘disruptive technologies’ that are often referred to today. The challenge for businesses is to be nimble enough in their business models to capitalise on the opportunities presented by such a rapid pace of change.

The business models that survive and thrive will surely make for an interesting post script to the book. As companies react to the changing dynamic of the digital economy with a transformative business models, the pace of change also suggests that we won’t have to wait long for the post script to take shape!

Vice President Gore will be making a keynote speech at ITW 2013 on Sunday May 12 and will be interviewed by Alexandre Pébereau, EVP International Carriers and Chairman of the ITW Founders’ Council. If you have questions to ask Vice President Gore please email them to itw.opening@capacitymedia.com

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