Reader Profile: Nic Catuniar

Reader Profile: Nic Catuniar

Nic Cantuniar is the VP for carrier services in EMEA for Cable&Wireless Worldwide and has been with the company for almost four years.



“There are so many sources of information nowadays but Capacity is the one I choose to read because, for our industry, it provides the best insight. In my role, I cover quite a large region and there are several markets within that which are still in the developing stages such as Russia, CEE and Africa. When I’m developing my strategy I always look at articles to see if there is information that is of interest. I also find it really interesting and useful to read about developments in subsea cables, such as the WACS system, and their impact on the market. I can take away information from these reports and use it when putting together my strategy for selling in those markets.

Cable&Wireless Worldwide has a huge global footprint, providing some sort of capacity for almost 78% of the global cable system, as well as providing IP access, IP transit and carrier MPLS. I read Capacity to try and find examples of what is going on in these markets. For example, the magazine might have an article on a large Russian carrier or a big player that are our partners but also our customers, which keeps me up to date with the businesses we work with. A large part of my daily job is negotiating and closing deals, so everything I read about a market or company can help me with those decisions. Certain stories have the potential to trigger discussions with my colleagues about a particular topic and can cause us to review our actions.

The main reason I read Capacity is for long-term planning and to see varied opinions on the latest issues facing the industry.”

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