Deutsche Telekom and Ericsson unveil network slicing PoC

Deutsche Telekom and Ericsson unveil network slicing PoC

Daniel Leimbach - Ericsson.jpg

Deutsche Telekom and Ericsson confirm the world's first implementation of a solution to customise and manage end-to-end network slices for enterprise cloud-based applications.

In a proof-of-concept (PoC), both parties successfully create a secure network slice that automatically connects to private cloud services.

“This successful demonstration highlights the potential of advanced 5G network slicing capabilities to enable unique and flexible services for enterprises, customised to specific needs,” said Kaniz Mahdi, SVP of technology architecture & innovation at Deutsche Telekom.

“Working with our partners, we are committed to transferring this innovation into compelling solutions for our enterprise customers’ digitalisation journeys.”

The solution meets the need by enterprise’s to ensure their employees get the network performance required for a seamless and secure operation of their cloud-based workplace applications.

The solution provides for automated configuration, provisioning and end-to-end orchestration of the enterprise slicing service order. It also means that there's no need for any additional configuration by the user on their enterprise devices.

Within this solution is a slice design tool allows an enterprise’s IT administrators to flexibly manage, monitor and analyse slice performance. Using a single management interface, the administrator can customise, order, configure and manage an end-to-end network consisting of enterprise smart phone devices, a 5G network slice and private cloud services.

Enterprise employees can then access private cloud-based applications on their enterprise smartphone device via a secure network slice over the public network.

The solution also includes an app-level configuration of the device using Mobile Device Management (MDM) and User Equipment Route Selection Policy (URSP).

“As communication service providers and enterprises globally seek to make full use of 5G’s advanced features, network slicing holds the key to creating sustainable business cases," added Daniel Leimbach, head of customer unit Western Europe at Ericsson.

"This proof of concept shows that the ability for enterprises to create and tailor network slices easily to fit their applications and user needs is no longer something for the future, but something for today. We’re looking forward to continuing this great partnership with Deutsche Telekom to deliver on the real promise of 5G.”

The proof-of-concept was implemented on a 5G Standalone (SA) testbed in a Deutsche Telekom lab with the enterprise smart phones connecting to a predefined set of private cloud applications.

While Ericsson provided the 5G Core network, Radio Access Network (RAN) and end-to-end orchestration including URSP.

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