Freshwave leads mobile infrastructure pilot with EE on board

Freshwave leads mobile infrastructure pilot with EE on board

Simon Frumkin Freshwave CEO.jpg

EE and Freshwave have partnered to enhance 4G and 5G coverage along Queen Victoria Street after a “first-of-its-kind” mobile infrastructure pilot was completed by both firms.

Freshwave has designed a bespoke solution for the pilot which means the network can accommodate all four mobile network operators on 4G and 5G from day one with no adjustments needed.

The solution consists of specially designed wideband antennas, cabinets and columns and large amounts of dark fibre in each cabinet.

Freshwave adds that it has built new mobile infrastructure in the 10-site pilot to make it shareable and capable of delivering 4G and 5G.

Simon Frumkin, Freshwave’s CEO, said: “We’re delighted to have reached this milestone in the pilot of our truly multi-operator neutral host network.

“Shared digital infrastructure is the logical evolution in telecoms as cities become more connected and smarter.

“Companies like Freshwave that deploy using the neutral host model help accelerate this connectivity for everyone as the model is more cost-effective, greener and less disruptive.

“I’m proud Freshwave are doing what’s right by all parties in this area.”

The multi-operator solution is the culmination of more than two years of Freshwave’s close collaboration with all four operators and other industry partners.

The shareable infrastructure reduces equipment and infrastructure duplication, making it cost-effective, Freshwave says, as well as minimising street clutter and the associated disruption during street works.

Virgin Media is signed up to be part of the pilot and will be going live in early 2023 while Vodafone will join in the first quarter of 2023.

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