The GLF publishes its third diversity, inclusion and belonging report

The GLF publishes its third diversity, inclusion and belonging report

Diversity And Inclusion At Workplace. LGBT Leadership

The ITW Global Leaders Forum (GLF) confirm the launch of its third diversity, inclusion and belonging (DIB) report, during International Telecoms Week 2022.

In collaboration with Delta Partner and TM Forum, the report classifies two groups of respondents, Group A i.e., repeat respondents, GLF members who participated in both 2021 and 2022 surveys and Group B i.e., new respondents, GLF members participating in this survey for the first time.

Across these cohorts, 100% of Group A believe DIB to be "strategically important", a +14-percentage point increase from 2021. While only 60% believe that same, much lower than both the 2021 respondents and the repeat GLF respondents.

Generally speaking, 70% of GLF members have increased their focus on inclusion and advanced inclusivity in their businesses over the last 12 months.

"This is our third GLF leadership on Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging report. Our first two reports focused primarily on the “diversity” pillar of DIB. In 2020, the focus was on gender, as this appeared to be the starting point for many of our GLF members’ DIB journeys," said Eric Cevis, chair of the GLF Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging Working Group.

"This focus was broadened in 2021 to include race, sexual orientation, disabilities, and age as key diversity axes; with a particular focus on racial diversity led by the increased attention systemic racism received globally due to the Black Lives Matter movement sparked by the George Floyd murder. In this year’s report we provide an update on the progress experienced across the different diversity axes by our members; and then unpack the “Inclusion” pillar of DIB, as we believe diversity and representation transformation is only sustainable and significant when paired with a focus on inclusivity.

Other findings show that 46% of Group A have an inherent belief in DIB without being able to explain its specific benefits, while the remaining 54% say that DIB is a "differentiator in driving individual performance improvement, attracting, and retaining talent, enhancing innovation and richness of thinking, and enabling a closer customer relationship".

At the same time, 20% of Group B do see the benefits of DIB and view it as part of "business-as-usual", 30% believe it is the “right thing to do” and 50% expressed similar benefits as those provided by Group A.

In related news, earlier this week the ITW GLF welcomed is new chair, Elisabetta Romano, CEO of Telecom Italia Sparkle.

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