Telehouse's Marseille DC to go live in November

Telehouse's Marseille DC to go live in November


Telehouse confirms that its first data centre in Marseille will be live by beginning of November.

The facility known as THM1, will give customers access to 160Tbps of capacity via the 14 subsea cables that connect the city with Africa, the Middle East and Asia.

"Telehouse's ambition is to bring Marseille in the top five most connected cities in the world, and to strengthen the Paris/Marseille digital highway, in order to place Europe at the heart of international data exchanges, thanks to unrivalled connectivity to Europe and the world," said Sami Slim, deputy director of Telehouse France.

Also, by establishing an anchor point in Marseille, Telehouse meets a growing customer need combining the dense connectivity of the Paris TH2 campus, with the major opportunities offered by the city of Marseille.

In addition, companies will be able to benefit from the major international opportunities offered by the city of Marseille, while enjoying the best Paris/Marseille latency.

By offering customised connectivity solutions, Telehouse helps companies to set up and develop their business on European soil.

The news follows on from the company's PoP in Marseille that was deployed in June of this year, as part of its expansion across Europe.

At the time, it enabled enterprises to colocate within the PoP facility and was delivered in partnership with Jaguar Network, to access low-latency connections to international exchanges in Africa, Asia and the Middle East.

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