The company revealed that the complex is set to have an IT load of 11.2MW and generate excess heat that Stockholm Exergi will use to heat local homes.
atNorth plan to construct the 6,400 sqm data centre in seven steps, with the first phase scheduled to be operational in December 2021.
The company said the new date was later than initially planned due to COVID-19 related delays.
The data centre, called Stockholm SWE01: SIF DC, will offer racks that can host up to 40kW air cooled infrastructure and over 100kW for liquid cooled infrastructure to meet the growing demand for large scale computing according to the company.
“For atNorth, this SIF DC is a landmark project, as we are expanding beyond Iceland. Our goal is to become a world leader in high-performance computing and colocation services,” said atNorth’s CEO Eyjólfur Magnús Kristinsson.
“We are excited to bring more compute power and services to our ambitious customers. It means they can reduce cost, bring products to market faster than before and solve even more complicated problems.”
The facility will also provide high-density data centre space and atNorth’s flagship AI and high-performance computing Infrastructure as a Service, HPC|FLOW.
“By collaborating with a leading energy provider in the area – Stockholm Exergi – the heat created by servers in our data centre is not wasted but utilized in a supply chain that increases energy efficiency for the whole society and reduces wasteful energy usage,” added Kristinsson.
The new data centre is in Stockholm’s Information and Communications Technology (ICT) district in Kista, the second-largest ICT cluster in the world following Silicon Valley.
The facility will be atNorth’s first facility outside Iceland, where it runs two data centres.