Huawei AirPON helps operators win business

Huawei AirPON helps operators win business

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New online live broadcasts, capabilities and technologies have opened up a huge market opportunity for carriers to seize, explained Gary Lu, president of network marketing & solution sales at Huawei, at the AirPON Commercial Release Conference.

Speaking at the Conference, which introduced the company’s latest innovative fixed-mobile convergence (FMC) access solution, Lu highlighted that as traditional live TV quality is enhanced, whilst becoming more immersive and interactive, there is a big opportunity for carriers with the new requirements to networks. “The potential market is huge,” Lu said as he shared details on AirPON and agile FMC access, adding how this new business solution can help operators to boost quick-win business.

Huawei launched the AirPON solution as part of its strategy to develop Gigabit fibre-to-the-home (FTTH) networks based on mobile sites. “AirPON greatly improves the efficiency of mobile operators when it comes to building fixed networks by reconstructing FMC planning,” said Lu.

The world today has created many good emerging businesses and new experiences for end-users as their lifestyles undergo profound changes. “With the development of technology, people can enjoy the convenience without leaving their homes. With the growth of digital consumption habits, home broadband will become a necessity for people to work, live, study, and shop in the next three to five years,” Lu said.

We are all familiar with the traditional ways of live broadcasting sports events but there are new exciting ways to entice and attract more online audiences today. Ticket revenues have substantially dropped but new live online viewing experiences that are being created so that viewers can now watch a game or show from a free viewpoint are changing the game, he said. “They can also freeze and slow down key actions, or zoom in or out on the game. These are all new experiences that you can't get live by watching on-site.” Recent examples of the European Champions League football final being played behind closed doors, highlights the clear business logic and opportunity to enhance end-users’ broadcasting experience. “Broadcasters can only make profits by attracting more online users”.

To consolidate a network, an opportunity for mobile operators, Lu recommended, is to take advantage of and leverage existing wireless infrastructure and site resources. Lu described the two preparations carriers should make. “First, we need to build a future-oriented full-fibre infrastructure network. This network is the basis of carriers' 2C/2H/2B services,” he said. “Second, operators need actively participate in the exploration of diversified new services to bring brand-new experience to end consumers.”

Upgrades to create clearer and higher video resolution from HD to 4K and 8K is one example, as is creating more immersive, multi-and-panoramic view options, and AI effects. These are all possible as a result of better technological innovations and “broadcasters and event organisers can continually share the benefits from these enhanced experiences.” The thirst and demand is clear to see and these enhanced services and options have seen strong impulse consumption attributes and, importantly, users are willing to pay for it.

This enhanced degree of audience participation and better user experience is creating a number of new business models, which Lu said: “I believe we can share the cake in the coming future if operators are well prepared”.

As home broadband services have become a stable source of revenue for operators, value-added services, such as home office, online education, and online games that require premium home broadband, are generating extra revenues for operators. In this context, quickly identifying value areas, properly planning networks, and efficiently and economically building fibre-to-the-home (FTTH) networks, have become common concerns for the CXOs of global full-service operators.

Lu presented how the Huawei AirPON solution, which is a new way to construct FTTH networks, was developed based on wireless site resources. “The distance between OLT site and end-users is reduced to one tenth. Therefore, we can solve problems in traditional fibre construction such as difficulties in right of way and optical cable engineering. The AirPON solution is perfectly designed for mobile carriers to build FTTH networks.”

Previously, wireless sites were only used to develop 2C users, he said, but now can also develop 2H and 2B users based on these sites. “Leveraging wireless sites to develop fixed broadband has been proved to be a more effective way.” Lu then used an example of when a Blade Optical Line Terminal (OLT) is equipped together with wireless devices on the roof of a building. “Blade OLT will reuse the backhaul fibre and power supply of the wireless site. Blade OLT fibres will then go to residential houses or small business buildings and the optical cable distance is reduced to less than 300 meters. It is easier to deploy fiber and more quickly to obtain subscribers.”

Lu proclaimed that the return of investment (ROI) would be less than three years to achieve a positive business cycle, adding: “AirPON solves the contradiction between long-term fiber strategy and short-term financial profits. It has been proved that AirPON can help carriers achieve quick-win in business in both the underdeveloped and highly developed markets; we have seen the values of AirPON. Huawei provides an end-to-end solution that include SmartCAPEX precise planning, it can help carriers identifying value users and preferentially selecting wireless sites for AirPON deployment.”

Lu ended his talk by welcoming enhanced collaboration to explore opportunities, discuss repositioning carriers in the industry chain, and achieving sustainable business development.

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