Vox Carrier expands and simplifies OBR

Vox Carrier expands and simplifies OBR

Ehsan Ahmadi, CEO at Vox Carrier..jpg

Vox Carrier has expanded and simplified its advanced origin based rating (OBR) by adding more destinations and networks in Europe, while simplifying the OBR process in a number of different countries.

Providing operators with more direct routes and cost saving opportunities, Vox said the service provides “high-quality direct termination at extremely competitive prices to partners around the world, while simplifying the OBR process in a number of different countries.”

The solution is now available in 15 countries – Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal and Spain – and is part of Vox Platinum.

The solution ensures that operators’ traffic is terminated correctly to avoid OBR penalty surcharges and helps to combat fraudulent activities around OBR.

“As OBR is introduced across a growing number of countries, it is creating new challenges for operators. They are seeing large surcharges that directly impact their margins and we’ve made a commitment to help our customers avoid unnecessary penalties,” said Ehsan Ahmadi, CEO at Vox Carrier.

“Our OBR solution provides guaranteed CLI and direct connectivity, enabling operators to seamlessly integrate OBR into their operations and optimise their cost of termination. We’re removing the complexity from OBR so that operators can effectively monetise their traffic.”

Allowing MNOs to charge differently for international minutes terminating on their networks, OBR has become increasingly complex in its application, increasing the cost of termination, and resulted in degradation of quality and customer experience due to arbitrage and fraudulent activities around the service.

Vox said areas such as CLI manipulation, CLI refiling, and SIMbox termination enable some players in the market to circumvent paying the additional surcharges imposed by MNOs. At the same time, Vox said it witnessed operators struggling with “huge cost increases” for their voice termination.

“Taking the complexity out of this equation and providing our customers with direct quality routes at the most optimal cost structure is our mission. This is part of the monetisation journey that we take our customers on and that directly impacts their profitability,” said Nicholas Nikrouyan, CCO and chief of staff at Vox Carrier.

“We are currently covering more than 20 mobile networks and continue to expand this activity as OBR is rolled out across new markets. It is an opportunity to add new value for our customers and use our technology to solve a growing challenge for operators.”   

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