Orange Egypt and WE come top in Opensignal video experience test

Orange Egypt and WE come top in Opensignal video experience test

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Telecom Egypt’s WE and Orange Egypt came joint first in Opensignal’s first examination of the mobile market across the country.

But Egypt’s other mobile carriers scored better in other sectors. “Vodafone won our 4G availability and latency experience medals,” said Opensignal, a global mobile measuring company. Vodafone also came top for 4G availability.

Opensignal measured Egypt’s four networks, including Etisalat, in terms of mobile experience over 90 days from 1 December 2018 to see how the main operators perform.

“Orange won both our download and upload speed experience awards fairly comfortably, with scores at least 13% faster than its closest rival in both categories,” said the company. “Vodafone was notably behind, particularly in our 4G download speed measurements, where its score was barely half that of Orange.”

However the company was unimpressed on the whole with the video experience from all operators.

“All four of Egypt’s operators achieved fair scores in this metric, meaning the mobile video experience of our users on their network leaves much to be desired,” it said. “Video load times are sluggish, stalling is common and connections have trouble coping with higher-resolution formats.”

There was little difference between any of the four in terms of latency. “Vodafone grabbed our 4G availability award with a score of 66.6% – but Orange and Etisalat were close behind, with less than 4 percentage points separating the three operators. WE was a little way behind the pack, but all four of Egypt’s key players had 4G availability scores within 9 percentage points of the leader.”

Opensignal added: “Vodafone scooped our latency experience award with a much more comfortable win than we saw in 4G availability. The operator’s winning score of 45.2ms was a clear 10ms better than closest rival Orange. Interestingly though, Orange had a superior 4G latency score – but a combination of Vodafone’s outstanding 3G latency and 4G availability results allowed it to win our latency experience crown.”

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