Avelacom unveils new PoP in Equinix's Tokyo facility

Avelacom unveils new PoP in Equinix's Tokyo facility

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Avelacom has announced a new point of presence in Equinix’s Tokyo International Business Exchange data centre, boosting its routes between London and Japan.

The new PoP means Avelacom can offer a route between Tokyo and London with latency of 145.3ms – what Avelacom claims is one of the lowest latency routes on the market.

Avelacom said the London – Tokyo connectivity is designed to serve the needs of financial services firms, enabling them to access market data and send orders at the highest possible speed and improve overall trading performance. London and Tokyo are seen as core FX markets, accessed by the leading bank and non-bank liquidity providers from around the world.

Avelacom’s network stretches more than 30,000 miles of long-haul fibre routes across Europe, Asia, North and South America, South Africa and Australia.

“The London – Tokyo route has always been associated with latency and redundancy issues because of its great distance and the multiple territories through which the data has to travel," commented Aleksey Larichev, Avelacom’s Managing Director.

"Most market participants experience round-tip latency of around 156 milliseconds, but by switching to Avelacom's network they can shave off more than 10 milliseconds, significantly improving data speed and overall performance."

Equinix has a global footprint of 200+ data centres which host 1,800+ network providers, including the a dense backbone of carriers for long-haul network traffic.

"Platform Equinix is home to the world's largest multi-asset trading venues and provides interconnection between ecosystem participants to accelerate business performance,” said Russell Poole, managing director, Equinix UK. “Avelacom’s new PoP offers increased opportunities for FX market players, as latency sensitive traders access the London-Tokyo route.”

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