The result sees Equinix dominate across all areas, holding the number one spot in all four territories. Continuing to further expand its lead from the second ranked operator, following on from the Q1 results released back in April, where Equinix were also leaders in the market, but with a narrower lead.
Interestingly, the overall scores for second in line across the board Digital Realty, Interxion, NextDC and SUNeVision, also continued to grow and were held by the same four data centre operators in Q1.
Cloudscene’s founder, Bevan Slattery said: “Whilst we expect the movement to be minimal in the top half of the leaderboard each quarter, what will be interesting to follow is the change in the second half rankings where you can see competition is rife. The scores are extremely tight and you can really get a feel for how fierce the market must be between the medium-sized players.”
Global switch were the only other service provider besides Equinix to be ranked across more than two leader boards. Its currently holds third, fourth and fifth positions in Oceania, Asia and EMEA respectively.

The Q2 data also introduced six new entrants to the board, Cyxtera (6th in North America), Netrality Properties (9th in North America), itconic (7th in EMEA), ST Telemedia Global Data Centres (8th in Asia), Macquarie Telecom (9th in Oceania), and YourDC (10th in Oceania).
The leader board is based on a combined score using density (number of facilities) and connectivity (number of PoPs) to determine the ranking, with figures obtained by Cloudscene’s independent global database.
In comparison to the Q1 results in which 14,000+ PoPs managed by the data center operators, 41.6% of the PoPs were in North America, 40.4% in EMEA, 9.5% in Asia and 8.5% in Oceania; the Q2 results show that 17,000+ PoPs are managed by the ranked data center operators, 43.10% of the PoPs were in North America, 39.63% in EMEA, 9.15% in Oceania and 8.11% in Asia.
In an exclusive interview with Capacity Media, Slattery was asked about the progression of Cloudscene and how all came about, commenting:
“Cloudscene came about because both the Megaport and Superloop businesses, is about helping people but also carriers and most providers within data centres connect with each other. The problem was, there wasn’t anywhere that had this information in a coordinated fashion. So really it’s a true and free resource built up out of the fact that I needed something like that and no one had one, so I built it. And then I thought this is not just useful for me it’s good for the industry. It was a tool that started as a wish, a spreadsheet and a database.”
In related news Cloudscene also released its Fast 50 list which consists of global companies believed to be making an important impact on the data centre market based on growth in areas of: new data centre facilities, data centre expansions, data centre acquisitions, company acquisitions, new PoPs and new cloud on-ramps or direct connections to the cloud. Cyxtera was ranked as number one with Equnix in at second place.