The move aims to add Nativ’s media logistics platform, MioEverywhere, to Ooyala’s personalised TV and video. It extends Ooyala’s capabilities to cover video production, post-production, digital content services, broadcast planning and media management for both OTT and on-air content.
It marks Ooyala’s second acquisition in the last nine months, following its purchase of European video ad tech provider Videoplaza last October.
“Combining Nativ’s technology and team with Ooyala is a big step forward in executing our shared vision for a consolidated, global leader in personalised cloud TV and video. Nativ opens a lucrative new line of business for Ooyala,” said Charlotte Yarkoni, president of Telstra Software Group and vice chairman of the board for Ooyala.
Telstra acquired Silicon Valley’s video platform company Ooyala for $270 million in August 2014, in a bid to increase its presence in the digital media market.