LG Uplus claims an EPC based on NFV will enable it to accelerate network technologies including unlicensed LTE which the company introduced in 2014. An EPC based on NFV is said to reduce the complexity of network configuration and support the mobility of flexible operation for networks such as wifi.
Hassan Ahmed, chairman of Affirmed Networks said: "NFV allows LG Uplus to extend their leadership by accelerating the development and delivery of a new breed of service offerings, both today as well as in the 5G networks of the future."
LG Uplus expects to launch the services through the early commercialisation of next-generation equipment and capabilities.
"We decided to build virtualised EPC earlier in order to respond flexibly towards growing video traffic demands and customer’s various needs in IoT and 5G environment," said LG Uplus.
In June last year, Affirmed Networks enabled Bulgaria’s Mobiltel to trial NFV technology.