Turkcell Superonline deploys Dialogic switching technology

Turkcell Superonline deploys Dialogic switching technology

Turkcell Superonline has selected Dialogic’s ControlSwitch solution to replace its softswitch technology.

The ControlSwitch service is designed to support the Turkish operator’s IP Multimedia Systems (IMS), as well as its TDM-based business and residential voice services.

Turkcell Superonline reportedly chose Dialogic’s technology for its advanced IP-to-IP switching and session management capabilities, which will allow for seamless interconnection with Turkcell’s Ericsson IMS network, and its media gateways from Cisco.

“We required a highly reliable, scalable, plug-and-play solution, which led us to the Dialogic ControlSwitch System for a cost-effective and operationally efficient way to energise our existing network resources,” said Barboros Özdemir, director of corporate business management at Turkcell Superonline.

“Dialogic’s experience with successfully transitioning service providers like us from end-of-life legacy switching platforms made us confident our customers would be minimally impacted.”

Dialogic also implemented its I-Gate 400 Edge Media Gateways, designed to distribute signalling gateway functionalities and support Turkcell’s SS7 interconnection needs.

“Service providers can feel overwhelmed when transitioning from their legacy technology,” said Kevin Gould, SVP of product development and operations at Dialogic.

“Dialogic’s solution energises existing infrastructure, while our professional services reduce the complexity of their transition and help them conserve capex and opex.”

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