The DIA is a carrier-neutral, IP Communications Exchange, designed to reduce costs, increase revenue and deliver cross-network IP services in the Netherlands.
“The communications market in the Netherlands is one of the most dynamic and competitive in the world with the highest VoIP adoption in Europe,” said Eli Katz, CEO at XConnect.
“Together with our federation in Germany; DE-CIX NGN, will create a critical mass of interconnected IP-enabled operators in Europe, to further drive the adoption of cross network services and therefore increase revenue.”
Xconnect identified that although the migration to all-IP networks offers operators many benefits, the cost and complexity of end-to-end delivery is a growing concern.
The DIA is expected to address such concerns by providing solutions including the ability to bypass the PSTN and reduce transit charges, greater support for services like video and HD Voice, and hub-based multilateral IP interconnection, which removes the need to create and manage multiple direct bi-lateral interconnects.
“GCXS, with XConnect, will revolutionise IP interconnection in the Netherlands,” added Maurice Vonk, operations director at GCXS.