The interconnection partnership is designed to support the exchange of HD Voice, LTE roaming and signalling, in addition to standard voice and GRX traffic.
The service will also feature end-to-end Quality of Service, security, multilateral connectivity and cascading payments.
Both companies anticipate they will launch IPX multiservice peering trials soon, and the move continues to underline the evolution of voice services to more IPX-based technology.
According to the GSA, HD Voice has launched in 45 countries across 61 networks, with the service allowing for voice users to enjoy a richer communication experience as a result of better quality across the voice transmission network.
Both companies said that HD Voice is the next step in the evolution of voice communications, with the development designed to allow mobile operators the chance to maximise the value of international VoLTE deployments.
Willem Offerhaus, CEO at iBasis exclusively told Capacity Daily that IPX peering agreements are the next step for widespread international adoption of new services like HD Voice and LTE roaming.
Offerhaus added that the deal could encourage more mobile operators in taking the next step of transitioning towards a multiservice IPX solution.
Tata has thrown weight behind both IPX and HD Voice services in recent months, and Christian Michaud, SVP of marketing and business development at the company, said “IPX is crucial in enabling the platform for the next-generation of IP communication solutions”.
“Through this IPX peering agreement, we can increase the value of our respective networks for interconnected mobile operators, demonstrate our focus on improving voice quality through solutions such as HD Voice and accelerate the adoption of new innovations,” he added.
Catherine Haslam, senior analyst at Ovum believes the demand for IPX capability is finally gaining momentum in the market, as mobile operators look for high-quality IP services. “This agreement between global IPX providers illustrates that IPX provisioning is moving away from islands and towards the global ecosystem that mobile and other telecoms service providers need.”
Tata launched its global HD Voice solution last month to enhance its IPX offering.