EU forecasts €600 billion revenue from broadband roll-out by 2020

EU forecasts €600 billion revenue from broadband roll-out by 2020

All economies within the European Union should receive benefits of up to €600 billion through the deployment of high-speed broadband, according to a report today.

The EU has forecasted that between the period of 2012 to 2020, 27 countries that make up the group should collectively see such a return, which will come as welcome news considering the amount of investment countries in Europe have had to make to deploy high speed broadband.

Analysys Mason and specialist ICT advisors, Tech4i2, prepared the report: The socio-economic impact of bandwidth which looks at the expected roll-out of the high-speed broadband network, as well as the role of publicly funded projects.

“The report’s findings will play an important role in supporting the EC’s Digital Agenda for Europe (DAE), as well as informing public and private stakeholders on the specific differences in the likely broadband outcomes between countries,” said Matt Yardley, partner at Analysys Mason and director of the team who developed the report.

Further results indicate that operators will be able to provide terrestrial coverage of 30Mbps to 94% of EU households by 2020.

Satellite services are anticipated to provide the final 6% to meet DAE’s 100% coverage target.

The report boosts original doubts over the success of the EU broadband roll-out as its funding was severely cut in February this year.

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