The Skype in the workspace (SITW) tool is free to use and makes use of the Skype network, potentially allowing millions of small businesses to promote their products and services to other networks and connections.
The SITW community is already active following a six month beta trial of the service in which 500 businesses participated.
"We aim to connect millions of small businesses with Skype in the workspace and believe that, by taking advantage of this shared network, businesses can develop the range of tools they need to grow, regardless of location or industry. From the designer in San Francisco looking to source textile suppliers in Thailand to the London consultant connecting with clients in Milan, the possibilities are endless," said Ural Cebeci, head of SMB Marketing at Skype.
Skype claims that SITW will provide a central hub for entrepreneurs, startups and small businesses to connect with experts, coaches and consultants to help them develop their businesses.
The service is accessed via users’ existing Skype accounts and allows them to create public offers or opportunities inviting community members to live sessions to demonstrate services or products to a wider audience.
They can also book appointments with potential customers or suppliers and keep track of them with a meeting notification service.
Once an offer has expired, users can instantly give testimonials on the product or service offered.