Australia’s NBN to be a boon for SMEs

Australia’s NBN to be a boon for SMEs

Australia’s National Broadband Network (NBN) project is set to target growth in the country’s small and medium enterprise segment, according to the CTO of NBN Co.

It is hoped that the coverage provided by the NBN will enable service providers to focus on market segments like SMEs, and even individual verticals, with tailored solutions.

Achieving the right price points and quality of service is often difficult for SMEs, with the majority of solutions tailored for either the residential mass market or high end corporate market.

“We expect quite a range of different models to develop because all of a sudden the focus is now on investment in the application and in the customer service rather than on the infrastructure,” said Gary McLaren, CTO of NBN Co.

The NBN is designed to provide fibre-optic connectivity to 93% of Australian homes and businesses by the end of the 10-year roll-out. The remaining 7% will be covered through fixed satellite and wireless technologies.

By providing the enterprise sector with access to high-speed broadband, Australia intends to keep pace with other Asia-Pacific economies like Singapore, Japan and Korea, which are investing heavily in broadband services.

McLaren said that NBN Co’s corporate plan is now being updated and will be released in a few weeks. The project is intended to make a positive return on investment over its life span, not taking into account the amount generated for the Australian economy through its deployment.

He told Capacity: “It is a significant investment for the commonwealth of Australia and our pending report will show our plan for positive returns.”

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