Nokia 4.9G technology on path to 5G

Nokia 4.9G technology on path to 5G

Nokia has announced that during this year’s Mobile World Congress Shanghai, it is to demonstrate its AirScale base station using 4.9G technology greatly reducing network latency to less than two milliseconds which is in line with 5G expectations.

Tero Peltola, head of the LTE business line at Nokia, said : "We are committed to helping operators evolve their networks in the most effective way, allowing them to anticipate and meet demands with higher performance where and when it is needed. We continue to evolve our 4G offering with 4.5G Pro and 4.9G technologies, and with this network latency demonstration we can show operators how they could use LTE to deliver higher-bandwidth industry and enterprise applications to more customers on their path to 5G."

In the demonstration Nokia will be using a feature that allows to be shortens transmission time intervals by 86 percent. It leverages the its AirScale base station, which in turn allows operators to support both 4.9G and 5G technology in a single unit to maximize speed and capacity as they migrate to 5G.

By using Nokia's 4.9G technology, operators can support higher-bandwidth for future industry and enterprise applications expected to run on 5G, all while ensuring continuity of service once 5G is initially deployed.

Shiv Putcha, associate director, IDC Asia Pacific added: "With the move from 3G to LTE networks, shortened latency times were crucial for an improved mobile broadband user experience. With this demonstration, Nokia has set a new benchmark for LTE network latency performance, bringing it closer to the 5G levels needed for industry and enterprise applications. This will allow operators to begin support for new applications and deliver service continuity as operators start rolling out 5G networks."

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